Marana Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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Marana Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Marana Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents can be seriously painful and life-changing for victims, their families, and their loved ones. Due to the lack of structural support on a motorcycle, motorcyclists can be seriously injured in a crash, with the potential to become permanently disabled or even pass away. If you or a loved one has been in a motorcycle accident, a Marana motorcycle accident lawyer from the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, is here to secure compensation on your behalf.

Why Work With a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer From Our Firm?

As motorcycle accidents can lead to devastating damages and injuries, it is pertinent to work with an experienced legal representative who can help ensure that you recover the compensation you’re entitled to under Arizona law. Specifically, a lawyer from our firm can support you in the following:

  • Completing a deep dive into your accident. A lawyer from our firm can investigate the circumstances of your accident, including what happened before, during, and after the incident. They can gather critical evidence, such as accident reports, medical bills, medical records, and traffic footage showing the accident.
  • Determining the extent of your damages. While previous medical expenses and lost income may be more straightforward to calculate, determining the financial cost of pain and suffering or future medical expenses is a highly complex process that requires a deep understanding of personal liability law and previous settlement outcomes. A lawyer from our firm can leverage this knowledge to adequately determine an amount that reflects your damages.
  • Showing liability of parties. Based on an initial deep dive, our attorney can determine potentially liable parties who may have contributed to the cause of your accident. They can use their understanding of state and federal traffic laws to prove the liability of other entities or parties, holding them responsible for their recklessness or misconduct.
  • Negotiating with insurance adjusters. Insurance companies are commonly working to pay out the minimum amount to accident victims to increase their bottom line. Therefore, it’s critical to have an experienced representative who can act on your behalf. Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can leverage key negotiation tactics to pursue an adequate settlement that fully reflects your damages.
  • Pursuing a claim. If the parties involved refuse to reach a fair and reasonable settlement, a fierce litigator from our firm can assist you with navigating complex legal processes to pursue the compensation you’re entitled to in court.

Regardless of the specific details of your accident, an experienced lawyer from our firm is eager to help you receive the compensation you need to recover. From negotiating with large insurance companies to representing your side of the story in court, our lawyer can leverage a myriad of legal strategies to help you pursue the compensation you’re entitled to.

What to Do if You’ve Been in a Motorcycle Accident

If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, it is critical to take adequate steps to ensure your safety and protect your rights. Directly after the accident, prioritize your health and safety. Be sure to get to a safe area where you do not face any threat of further harm. Also, notify law enforcement as soon as possible about the accident, letting them know if anyone has suffered from life-threatening injuries.

After law enforcement arrives on the scene of the accident, it is important to thoroughly account all that happened without admitting fault or implying any blame. Be sure to exchange contact and insurance information with the parties involved. Also, collect the contact information of any witnesses, as they can serve as critical evidence to support your case later on.

If you are able to, document the crash scene, taking detailed photos and videos of the skid marks on the road, subsequent damages and injuries, and any conditions that may have led to the crash, such as poor infrastructure. Reach out to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as you can. They can ensure your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you are entitled to facilitate an optimal recovery.


Q: How Much Are Most Motorcycle Accident Settlements in Arizona?

A: In Marana, Arizona, the amount of compensation given out for a motorcycle accident settlement varies significantly from case to case. Factors that influence settlement amounts include injury severity, the impact of the injuries on an individual’s ability to work and carry out everyday tasks, and associated medical bills and lost income. Cases involving catastrophic injuries like spinal cord damage and traumatic brain injuries tend to yield much greater settlement amounts.

Q: Should I Get an Arizona Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

A: Yes, if you’ve been in an Arizona motorcycle accident, it is generally recommended to hire a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer. They can help you by negotiating with the liable party’s insurance company, gathering critical evidence, proving fault, and pursuing litigation if necessary.

Inherent biases are common against motorcyclists, with juries and insurance companies often assuming fault of the motorcyclist, so it’s critical to have a experienced legal advocate who can eloquently tell your side of the story.

Q: How Much Does a Lawyer Get From a Motorcycle Accident Settlement in AZ?

A: The amount a lawyer may get for a motorcycle accident settlement in Arizona is dependent on the contingency fee they are charging for a case, as well as the final settlement amount. Personal injury lawyers who handle motorcycle accident cases typically ask for compensation in the form of a final percentage of the settlement. This means they will only be paid if a settlement is ultimately rewarded.

Q: Who Can I Sue for an Arizona Motorcycle Accident?

A: If you have been in an Arizona motorcycle accident that was caused by the negligence of one or more parties, the people or entities you may be able to sue for compensation are dependent on the specific details of your case. Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to bring a suit against the at-fault driver, the motorcycle part manufacturer, or government entities. A lawyer can help you understand who you can potentially hold liable.

Optimize Your Motorcycle Accident Settlement With a Marana Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Fighting the biases against motorcyclists can be difficult, especially when compensation for your injuries and other damages is on the line. At the Bleaman Law Firm, PC, our experienced Marana motorcycle accident lawyer is here to present your side of this story with effective legal arguments and supporting evidence. Contact us today to discuss your case and start developing and implementing a plan to recover compensation.

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