Peoria, AZ Wrongful Death Lawyer

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Peoria, AZ Wrongful Death Attorney

Peoria, AZ Wrongful Death Lawyer

The term “wrongful death” can apply to any fatal accident resulting from a party’s negligence or illegal misconduct. This type of personal injury case replaces the suit the victim could have filed if they had survived, and there are special rules for filing wrongful death claims in the state. If you believe you have grounds to file such a claim, it is important to connect with a Peoria, AZ, wrongful death lawyer right away.

Experienced Wrongful Death Counsel in Peoria, AZ

The team at Bleaman Law Firm, P.C., can help you and your family navigate the complex legal proceedings necessary for holding another party accountable for wrongful death in Peoria. Our firm has an extensive record of successful cases and has helped many past clients secure compensation for damages caused by others. We know how difficult a wrongful death can be for any family and want to help you recover fully.

Money will not replace the victim, but a successful wrongful death suit can yield valuable compensation that will help you and your family adjust to your new circumstances a bit easier. Success with your claim can also provide a sense of closure by holding the at-fault party accountable for the fatal harm they caused. You have a limited time in which to file your case, so it’s important to reach out to our team as quickly as possible.

Resolving Your Wrongful Death Claim in Peoria

Before you and your family can collect compensation from the defendant who caused the death, you must have evidence to show how the defendant caused the victim’s death, and you must also be prepared to show the full extent of your family’s losses if you want to hold the defendant fully accountable. Your Peoria, AZ, wrongful death lawyer can help you construct the framework of your case.

Once you have firmly established fault for the victim’s death, you can proceed with claiming compensation for your family’s losses. While a standard personal injury suit seeks compensation for the victim’s damages, a wrongful death claim focuses on securing compensation for the losses suffered by the family of the deceased. Your attorney can help you uncover all the forms of compensation you are eligible to seek from the defendant.

Some wrongful death suits can be settled outside of court, and you will need an experienced attorney on your side to help you navigate the settlement negotiation process successfully. Alternatively, your case may need to be resolved through litigation if the defendant is unwilling to engage in settlement negotiations or if they deny liability for the death. Whatever your case requires, you need experienced legal counsel on your side to reach a positive result.

Bleaman Law Firm, P.C., is ready to provide the compassionate and responsive legal representation you need to navigate the complexities of your case as efficiently as possible. We strive for maximum client recovery in every case we accept and have the experience necessary to resolve the most challenging wrongful death suits for our clients. As soon as you hire our firm, we can begin building a cohesive civil suit for you.


Q: What Are the Most Common Causes of Wrongful Deaths in Peoria?

A: The most common causes of wrongful deaths in Peoria include accidents caused by negligence, such as motor vehicle crashes, intentional acts of harm, such as assault, and medical malpractice. If you are unsure whether you have grounds to file a wrongful death suit, it is important that you consult a Peoria, AZ, wrongful death lawyer right away. They can examine the details of your situation and determine whether you can file a claim.

Q: How Do You Prove Fault for a Wrongful Death in Peoria?

A: In Peoria, you can prove fault for a wrongful death by gathering various forms of evidence along with witness testimony from anyone who saw the fatal incident happen. Your wrongful death lawyer can assist you with gathering this evidence, some of which you may not be able to recover on your own. Once you prove fault for the death, you can hold the defendant accountable for your family’s damages.

Q: What Is a Wrongful Death Suit Worth in Arizona?

A: The value of a wrongful death suit depends on multiple factors. It’s possible for the family of the victim to seek compensation for the lost financial support that the victim provided, funeral and burial costs, damages incurred by the estate of the deceased, and their pain and suffering. Your Peoria personal injury attorney can help you determine the full scope of the damages you are eligible to claim.

Q: Will the Defendant Go to Jail for Causing a Wrongful Death?

A: It is possible for a defendant to go to jail for causing a wrongful death if they did so by breaking the law. For example, if they caused the death in a car accident because they were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they face not only civil liability for a wrongful death suit but also criminal charges for breaking state law. Their penalties are likely to increase significantly when their illegal actions result in fatal harm.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a Peoria, AZ, Wrongful Death Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Peoria, AZ, wrongful death lawyer will amount to a percentage of your case award if you choose Bleaman Law Firm, P.C., to represent you. We take these cases on contingency, meaning our client does not pay upfront fees and will instead pay our firm a percentage of whatever compensation we secure for them. We only take our contingency fee if and when we win the case.

Bleaman Law Firm, P.C., is ready to provide the compassionate legal support you need after losing a family member unexpectedly to another party’s negligence or illegal misconduct. We know the various challenges you could face in your case and how to help you overcome them. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with a Peoria, AZ, wrongful death lawyer to learn more about the services we provide.


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